Attention Busy Men Who Are Overworked and Undergained:

Renowned muscle building expert for busy men, Eric Bach reveals…

The Minimalist 

muscle Blitz

How To Lose Fat, Build Muscle, And Look Great Naked In Half The Time

To all driven, stressed and dedicated men between 25 and 55 who love their job and family, but are tired of living in declining health, lacking muscle tone, and feel like a flaccid mess of a man...
...this one’s for you.
There’s a plague sweeping the nation. No, it's not inflation; through, admittedly, that's a swift kick to the nuts. 
This plague is holding you back from achieving the lean, muscled, and striking physique of your dreams (think Hugh Jackman in Wolverine or Chris Evans in Captain America).
If this is you, you NEED to stand up and take notice.

This letter is going to help you:
  • Understand what has compelled me to give away everything you need to build a Hollywood physique without asking for Hollywood prices.

  •  Build a lean, eye-catching, muscled physique, and melt away shirt-bulging belly fat even with minimal equipment.

  • Unravel one of the most well-hidden truths about building muscle using a lesson from the great Stoic philosopher, Seneca (learn how to execute this in the gym and you’ll never waste another workout).

  • Transform your physique (and your life) -- if you follow the Four Steroid-Free Principles of Minimalist Muscle seen near the bottom of the page.

  • Understand what has compelled me to give away everything you need to build a Hollywood physique without asking for Hollywood prices.
  •  Build a lean, eye-catching, muscled physique, and melt away shirt-bulging belly fat.
  • Unravel one of the most well-hidden truths about building muscle using a lesson from the great Stoic philosopher, Seneca (learn how to execute this in the gym and you’ll never waste another workout).
  • Transform your physique (and your life) -- if you follow the Four Steroid-Free Principles of Minimalist Muscle seen near the bottom of the page.
This letter is going to help you:
  • Understand what has compelled me to give away everything you need to build a Hollywood physique without asking for Hollywood prices.
  •  Build a lean, eye-catching, muscled physique, and melt away shirt-bulging belly fat.
  • Unravel one of the most well-hidden truths about building muscle using a lesson from the great Stoic philosopher, Seneca (learn how to execute this in the gym and you’ll never waste another workout).
  • Transform your physique (and your life) -- if you follow the Four Steroid-Free Principles of Minimalist Muscle seen near the bottom of the page.

Your Life is busy. I get it. 


There are times when my clients get busy and can’t train as often. So we scale back their training.


The same happens with my own training. As a father and owner of four businesses, I catch myself glancing at my program, gasping at the clock, and wondering how to maximize my precious minutes in the gym.

I suggest you do the same.

To get your best results you need focus.

The “fluff” in workouts clouds your view of what’s important and what generates great results.

You need to cut out the clutter, and learn to focus on the essentials.

You don’t need to “isolate” every muscle group and designate one body part for every day of the week. 

This cluttered approach grains your motivation, leading to over-analyzing and ZERO results.

I mean, between the economy, COVID, your career, and your family you have enough to worry about. Why add training to the list?

Fortunately, you DON’T need a thousand different tempos, a complex Eastern European Squat program, and forty exercises to make progress.

What you do simplicity and to chase progressive overload on a few chosen few exercises and the ability to do your workouts from a minimally equipped gym and even your own home.

Enough majoring in the minors. It’s time to get to work.

Until Today The Sheer Simplicity Behind My Most Successful Muscle Building Program For Busy Men Has Been Hidden

Hidden amongst the hundreds articles preaching “bro splits” (while dishing out workouts WAY too intense for “unassisted” lifters to recover from)...

Hidden between pages of the most popular muscle building magazines rambling on about the latest and greatest protein powder...

Hidden amongst the sheer wealth of results that Google spits out when you type in “how to build muscle…”

Gentlemen, no more.

The training sessions inside Minimalist Muscle are the simplest, quickest, and most effective workouts you’ll ever experience. 

I’ve been training myself for nearly two decades now, and I still  build my own programs off of the same principles that you’ll find inside the Minimalist Muscle Blitz Edition. 

I use them because they work. And if it ain’t broke...why fix it?

Dr. John Rusin

"Eric is a game changer when it comes to helping men enhance their physique with intelligent and effective coaching."

Dr. John Rusin

"Eric is a game changer when it comes to helping men enhance their physique with intelligent and effective coaching."

Who is Eric Bach?

Eric Bach

Real quick: before we dive into the meat of this letter, let’s take a hot minute to talk about who the hell I, Eric Bach am.
“I’m a husband, father, and entreprenuer with a minimal time train. 

I’ve spent the last decade of my life helping busy hard-working men optimize their health, performance, and look great naked.

The difference? At Bach Performance we think fitness should improve your life, not consume it. In other words, we want you to be able to enjoy your time with friends and family all while looking your best in the process.
Simply put...

I specialize in providing you with the tools, support, and mentorship needed to build a high-performance physique that feels and functions as great as it looks.**

Fair warning! You may see awesome transformations throughout the course of this letter

Eric Bach

Real quick: before we dive into the meat of this letter, let’s take a hot minute to talk about who the hell I, Eric Bach am.
“I’m a baron of barbeque, backhandler of bourbon, connoisseur of coffee, and hopeless romantic of a Green Bay Packers fan.
I’ve spent the last decade of my life helping busy hard-working men build confident, strong, athletic, jacked physiques.
To toot my own horn, you might have seen me before on one of these sites…”

Simply put...

I specialize in providing you with the tools, support, and mentorship needed to build a high-performance physique that feels and functions as great as it looks.**

How Exactly Is The Minimalist Muscle Blitz Edition Going To Transform Your Body?

Well...The Minimalist Muscle Blitz is going to transform your life (and physique) by grinding against the grain of all the muscle-building advice you’ve ever read, heard, or had whispered in your ear.
Men’s Health, FLEX, EliteFTS and even T-Nation...all these muscle-building authorities will tell you that the key to unlocking jarring levels of muscle growth is to simply do more work.

That means more volume, more exercises, more training sessions, and ultimately...more of your precious, valuable time spent in the gym.
There are three things you NEED to know about this mainstream muscle-building advice:

1. Being told to “do more” holds more people back than it helps (as you’ve experienced, if you’re reading this page).

The reason why is simple: doing too much, yet failing to do it consistently erodes your momentum and instills poor habits. Worse, if you're not sleeping or eating correctly, you'll spike CORTISOL, the stress hormone that can actually break down muscle tissue and lead to increased belly fat.

When you combine the STRESS of 2020, COVID, and your hectic life the last thing you need is unnecessary stress. 

A better option? Stick to a plan you'll do consistently that gets you in and out of the gym. This eliminates momentum zapping missed workouts and provides the balanced program you need for long-term results. 
2. 60 minute workouts are NOT required to build an eye-catching physique.
In fact, over the 10+ years I’ve been helping build muscle and burn fat, those who focus on having QUALITY 30-40 minute training sessions always see greater results than those who try to slave away for 60 minutes (or more) in the gym.

3.’s just plain wrong.
You don’t need MORE.
Counterintuitively, what you need is LESS.
Less volume, fewer exercises, and nothing more than three or four 30-40 minute workouts each week.

The Four Steroid-Free Principles Of Minimalist Muscle-Building

Well...The Minimalist Muscle Blitz is going to transform your life (and physique) by grinding against the grain of all the muscle-building advice you’ve ever read, heard, or had whispered in your ear.
Men’s Health, FLEX, EliteFTS and even T-Nation...all these muscle-building authorities will tell you that the key to unlocking jarring levels of muscle growth is to simply do more work.

That means more volume, more exercises, more training sessions, and ultimately...more of your precious, valuable time spent in the gym.
There are three things you NEED to know about this mainstream muscle-building advice:

Being told to “do more” holds more people back more than it helps (as you’ve experienced, if you’re reading this page). The reason why is because X

60 minute workouts are NOT required to build an eye-catching physique.

In fact, over the 10+ yrs I’ve been helping build muscle and burn fat, those who focus on having QUALITY 30-40 minute training sessions always see greater results than those who try to slave away for 60 minutes (or more) in the gym.’s just plain wrong.

You don’t need MORE. Counter-intuitively, what you need is LESS. Less volume, fewer exercises, and nothing more than three 30-40 minute workouts each week.

Being told to “do more” holds more people back more than it helps (as you’ve experienced, if you’re reading this page). The reason why is because X

60 minute workouts are NOT required to build an eye-catching physique.

In fact, over the 10+ yrs I’ve been helping build muscle and burn fat, those who focus on having QUALITY 30-40 minute training sessions always see greater results than those who try to slave away for 60 minutes (or more) in the gym.’s just plain wrong.

You don’t need MORE. Counter-intuitively, what you need is LESS. Less volume, fewer exercises, and nothing more than three 30-40 minute workouts each week.

I know that’s a little over the top -- but it’s necessary to highlight the difference between my proven methods, and the baloney that’s get hawked in the pages of Mens Health, Mens Fitness, FLEX, STACKED, and the list goes on.

The truth get the kind of results that you’ll see in Minimalist Muscle, many WILL assume that you’ve been stuffing yourself with steroids.

But, that couldn’t be further than the truth. 

Especially if you use the four principles below…


“It is quality rather quantity that matters” 



“It is quality rather quantity that matters” 


It’s stunning what happens when you allow your reps and weight take a backseat to rep execution.

Injuries fade, performance increases, and confidence skyrockets.
Yes, overload is still important and necessary for gains. But it does little good piling on a ton of weight simply for the sake of it or pounding through conditioning sessions on a faulty system.

This sets your body up for injury, not high performance.

This means staying tight on your deadlifts—bursting blood vessels in your left eye and a rounded spine under 400 pounds sucks a bag of donkey nuts. Get your chest to the ground on push-ups, sticking your landing on your jumps, and pushing your knees outward on your squats.

Pushing yourself to the limit is great. Pushing yourself to the limit with faulty mechanics sucks.

Place your time, energy, and attention on how well you’re executing the movement instead of how much weight you’re moving.

You’ll get better gains in less time, fewer injuries, and a longer training career—That’s more important for transforming your body than setting a PR every workout.





The muscle-building basics that lay the foundation for the Minimalist Muscle Blitz have been around since the dawn of time.

You do NOT need to reinvent the wheel in order to build. We know what works -- it’s just a matter of following a program that properly utilizes these muscle-building principles ( Minimalist Muscle), and then ruthlessly executing day in and day out.





To maximize your training with minimalist muscle building you must emphasize strength and performance.

That means exercises that are neurologically demanding like jumps and heavy lifts go first.

Chasing the “pump” and never building a foundation of strength in the gym is a surefire route to the town of Smallsville in ugly state of ImStillPissedAtMyPoorResults.
Use the following exercise order for your best results:
1. Warm up

2 Movement training

3. Explosive/Power Lifts

4. Compound strength

5. Compound moderate rep work

6. Free time

7. Conditioning





 If you crave maximal results in minimal time, total body workouts are best. Higher body part frequency means greater overall muscle fiber stimulation.

As a result your body learn movement patterns, stimulate more muscle growth, and make gains faster. Not only that, you’ll train the body as it’s meant to function—as a coordinated machine.
Three total body training sessions with two conditioning sessions per week is plenty.

Now that you know the four drug-free principles behind Minimalist Muscle Building, here’s how you can eliminate the guesswork, arm yourself with a proven plan, and march towards your dream physique day-after-day…


Minimalist Muscle Blitz

The Slam Dunk Solution For Overworked Men Who Simply Can’t Build Muscle (Despite Hitting The Gym 4 Times Per Week, Eating “Clean,” And Swapping Bourbon For Diet Coke)

Man, this is it.
This is what happens when you take a decade-plus of education and experience, sans the countless mistakes I’ve made, and roll it up into one dead-simple, wildly-effective muscle building program...built upon the exact 4 principles I shared with you above.
Time to tell you what’s inside...
When you pony up the spare change in your pocket for the Minimalist Muscle Blitz’re going to receive:

The Slam Dunk Solution For Overworked Men Who Simply Can’t Build Muscle (Despite Hitting The Gym 3 Times Per Week, Eating “Clean,” And Swapping Bourbon For Diet Coke)
Man, this is it.
This is what happens when you take a decade-plus of education and experience, sans the countless mistakes I’ve made, and roll it up into one dead-simple, wildly-effective muscle building program...built upon the exact 4 principles I shared with you above.
Time to tell you what’s inside...
When you pony up the spare change in your pocket for the Minimalist Muscle Blitz’re going to receive:

Component #1. The Minimalist Muscle Blitz Training Program

(VALUE: $50)

The Minimalist Muscle Blitz training program contains four unique workouts designed entirely to help you build lean muscle.

The focus of these sessions is on taking advantage of tried and true, proven training principles to help you build muscle and strength, fast.

Component #2. The Minimalist Muscle Hardgainer Nutrition Blueprint

(VALUE: $50)

There’s no hiding the fact that the majority of hardgainers need to eat A LOT of food to build muscle.

The MM Hardgainer Nutrition Blueprint will show you how to eat a lot of food-enough to build lean muscle-without hiring a chef, or eating out of tupperware every 2 hours.

Component #3. Access to The Minimalist Muscle Community:

Private community only for Minimalist Muscle members 

(VALUE: $37 per month)

Swole City is a members-only community for everyone following the Minimalist Muscle path. So - not only do get you a wicked training program built to help you build stacks of lean muscle, but you’ll be joining a community of men who are all doing the same thing.

Component #4. Minimalist Muscle Meal Plans

(VALUE: $30)

Eating healthy can be expensive. While I’m all for investing in food, it’s not always a practical use of money. With the MM Meal Plans, I’ll show you how to eat healthy, build muscle, and not feel like there’s a hole in your wallet. 

Component #5. High-Performance Travel Guide

(VALUE: $30)

On the road for business or pleasure? No problem.

With the High-Performance Travel Guide, you’ll never be without a program that you can’t do (no matter how poorly equipped your hotel gym is).

As a bonus, we've developed Eight BONUS weeks of At Home Minimalist Muscle Workouts to fit any-level of equipment at your disposal.

Component #6. The MMB Progress Tracker

(VALUE: $20)

As the old saying goes, “if you’re not assessing, you’re guessing.” I’ll teach you how to assess your progress and make adjustments to keep you building muscle and strength.

Component #7. The MMB Exercise Modification Guide

(VALUE: $20)

I know now all gyms are universally equipped, and not all bodies are equal. Should you find yourself lacking a piece of equipment or nursing an injury that calls for modifications, the MMB Exercise Modification Guide will show you exactly what to do.

In short, the Minimal Muscle Blitz is going to:

  •  Give you a foolproof muscle-building nutrition plan so simple a toddler could follow it (if you stick to this 90% of the time, you WILL build muscle).

  • Eliminate the stress of wondering when you’re going to find 60 minutes + to get to the gym (the MM workouts are quick, dirty, and effective).

  • Help you shatter your size and strength plateau.

  • Reveal the real reasons why it feels like you haven’t built an ounce of muscle in the past 6 months (and how you can fix this overnight).

  • Banish man-boobs, muffin tops, and soggy love handles back to the hell from which they came.

  • Experience what it feels like to pull on a t-shirt, and have it fit like it was made for you (Gentlemen - the number one way to improve your style is to lose fat).

  • And a heckuva lot more...

  •  Give you a foolproof muscle-building nutrition plan so simple a toddler could follow it (if you stick to this 90% of the time, you WILL build muscle).

  • Eliminate the stress of wondering when you’re going to find 60 minutes + to get to the gym (the MM workouts are quick, dirty, and effective).

  • Help you shatter your size and strength plateau.

  • Reveal the real reasons why it feels like you haven’t built an ounce of muscle in the past 6 months (and how you can fix this overnight).

  • Banish man-boobs, muffin tops, and soggy love handles back to the hell from which they came.

  • Experience what it feels like to pull on a t-shirt, and have it fit like it was made for you (Gentlemen - the number one way to improve your style is to lose fat).

  • And a heckuva lot more...

All told, the 7 components that make up the Minimalist Muscle Blitz carry a collective sticker price of $237.
With a few clicks of your mouse or taps of your finger, it can all be yours, today, for a single, solitary $47 bill.


Bach Performance Client Naz, in the UK has radically transformed his physique with the Minimalist Muscle Lessons available to you.



I’ll tell you why…
If you want to transform your body you NEED skin in the game. 
There’s no denying the fact that *most* people HATE  wasting money (unless it's to hoard toilet paper)...and little is more wasteful than investing into a training program and having it sit on your proverbial shelf, never even cracking the cover.
At the same time, I don’t want you to fork over hundreds of dollars for a program that you might not enjoy, simply for the sake of putting skin in the game.
So, I’ve found the middle ground by giving you everything you need to be a smashing success in the gym, without making you pay out the ass for it.
After your first 4 weeks on the Minimalist Muscle Blitz, if you love what you’ve seen (and felt), then we can talk about more advanced programs and coaching.

But for the sake of giving you the opportunity to try out a proven program that DOES without having to take out a second mortgage to afford it, that is why I’ve knocked the price down to $47.

Besides, I know my programs generate results. If you like what you see during your Minimalist Muscle Blitz, I have little doubt you’ll want to check out what else I’ve got up my sleeve.

And that’s the truth.

I’ll tell you why…
If you want to take your goals (and yourself) seriously, you NEED skin in the game.
There’s no denying the fact that *most* people HATE  wasting money...and little is more wasteful than investing into a training program (even if it’s only $47), and having it sit on your proverbial shelf, never even cracking the cover.
At the same time, I don’t want you to fork over hundreds of dollars for a program that you might not enjoy, simply for the sake of putting skin in the game.
So, I’ve found the middle ground by giving you everything you need to be a smashing success in the gym, without making you pay out the ass for it.
After your first 4 weeks on the Minimalist Muscle Blitz, if you love what you’ve seen (and felt), then we can talk about more advanced programs and coaching.

But for the sake of giving you the opportunity to try out a proven program that DOES without having to take out a second mortgage to afford it, that is why I’ve knocked the price down to $47.

Besides, I know my programs generate results. If you like what you see during your Minimalist Muscle Blitz, I have little doubt you’ll want to check out what else I’ve got up my sleeve.

And that’s the truth.


Alright, let’s wrap this up.
Here’s your last chance to grab Minimalist Muscle Blitz Edition...

The Time Efficient, Proven, Muscle Building Program That I’ve Personally Used To Make Gains Without  Needing Hours Per Week or a Tricked Out Gym

(Fair warning...if your results are anything like mine, there’s a STRONG chance that people will accuse you of using steroids--it’s easier to accuse others of cheating than it is to do the work yourself).

Whether you decide to invest less than the cost of middle-of-the-road steak into your physique goals is no skin off my back.
While I’d LOVE to help you build the body of your dreams (and show you how to do just that in spite of your hectic, busy life), I do NOT want you to buy the Minimalist Muscle Blitz if you’re not jumping out of your seat at the thought of finally learning how to build muscle and burn belly fat while doing the absolute bare minimum at the gym.
Which is exactly what you’re going to miss out on if you don’t pick up the Minimalist Muscle Blitz.
It’s your move, Kemosabe…
But, know this:
If you click away from this page, if you turn your nose up at this dirt-cheap Minimalist Muscle’re turning your nose up at the opportunity to achieve the physique that you wish for every time you look in the mirror, take your shirt off, or find your wife/significant other unable to keep her/their hands off of you.


The Minimalist Muscle Blitz FAQs

There are a few things I didn’t address above. To make sure we’re on the same page...I give you the MMMBFAQ (The Minimalist Muscle Blitz Frequently Asked Questions).

What do I do if I’m not familiar with an exercise or unsure of my form?

If you don’t have a certain piece of equipment, are battling injuries, or something just doesn’t feel’ll find your solution inside the MMB Exercise Modification Guide.

When does it start and finish? How long does it take?

The Blitz Edition of Minimalist Muscle is a 4 week course, done at your own pace. So, you can join today, and start in 2 weeks. Or as my most successful students do...join today, and start tomorrow.

Either way, once you start, you’re in it for 4 weeks. 

Do I have to pay for any shipping? How long do I have access for?

The Minimalist Muscle Blitz Edition is 100% digital. Once you join, you’ll receive instructions for setting up your account, and gaining access to the materials.

You’ll have access to Minimalist Muscle for as long as you’re alive (or remember your password).

What if the Minimalist Muscle Blitz doesn’t work for me? Do you have a guarantee?

Look, it’s a $47 muscle-building program.

 I don’t claim to solve world hunger or pluck new muscles out of thin air. But, the workouts you’ll find inside the MMB have been used in hundreds of client programs over the past 10 years -- I know that they work.

That being said, if it puts your mind at ease...if you give the training and nutrition programs an honest shot for this 4 week blitz, and you don’t see any results from it, let me know so I can give you a refund (if you think it’s worth your time to request your $47 back).

Will the Minimalist Muscle Blitz work for women? What about beginners?

If you’ve read all the way down the page to here, you’ve probably gathered that this program is built for men. But, many of the same principles that apply to men, also apply to women. So, if you’re reading this as a lady, and your interest is piqued, Minimalist Muscle will be a great fit for you.

As for a word, YES.

If you’ve never stepped foot in a gym before, you WILL have a bit of a learning curve. But once you’re through that, you’ll be off to the races.

How much muscle will I gain? What kind of results can I expect?

How your body responds to proper training and nutrition is a variable.

Some people build muscle simply by looking at weights...while others (myself included) have to fight tooth and nail for meager scraps.

That being said, I can promise that if you follow the plan to the letter, in just 4 weeks you will:

  • ​Feel your self-confidence soar higher and higher each time you hit the gym.
  • Find your clothes fitting tighter, gently hugging and accentuating your physique.
  •  Slide more and more weight on the bar for your deadlifts, presses, and squats.
  • Finally understand the truth about building muscle (and have everything you need to reach your dream physique).
  • ​Be accused of using steroids at least twice**
  • ​Feel your self-confidence soar higher and higher each time you hit the gym.
  • Find your clothes fitting tighter, gently hugging and accentuating your physique.
  •  Slide more and more weight on the bar for your deadlifts, presses, and squats.
  • Finally understand the truth about building muscle (and have everything you need to reach your dream physique).
  • ​Be accused of using steroids at least twice**

**I mean this in the best way possible. I always get a sick sense of satisfaction from being accused of using drugs when I know I built my physique entirely through hard work.

What equipment do I need access to? Can I workout at home?

We provide MMB workouts for every set up possible. With the outbreak of COVID we know it's not easy (or always safe) to get to the gym.

So, we've added EIGHT weeks worth of BONUS workouts with every-equipment variation you can imagine.

Should you have a basic setup at home (rack, barbell, few dumbbells, bands, etc), there are modifications included in the Exercise Modification Guide to help you adapt the program to what you have available.


Got More Questions?

If you have ANY questions about what the Minimalist Muscle Blitz is, what sort of results you can expect, and what you’ll find inside the program, I want you to email me.

Here’s my personal email address: [email protected]

If you’re on the fence, but there’s anything you’re not crystal-clear on, send me a note. I read and reply to each one.


Start the ProgramYour Order & Save!
No products available

“Test drive” the Minimalist Muscle Blitz for the next 30 days with absolutely no risk so you can see for yourself how much fat you can lose and how much muscle you can gain.

You are completely protected by our iron-clad 100% money back guarantee.

You will not only be satisfied, I guarantee you will be thrilled. Period. If not, you can simply email me and ask for a prompt and courteous, no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund.

In fact, if you're not completely happy for any reason at all, then I insist that you ask for a refund. However, after seeing so many people transform their bodies and unleash their inner athletes, I’m totally confident that you're going to love these workouts and see the best results of your life.

Questions? Just email [email protected]

NOTE: The Minimalist Muscle Blitz is a downloadable product. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the programs and view the eBooks. The eBook format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.

© Bach Performance 2025