The One Hour Body:

Simple time saving strategies to lose weight and get in-shape with less time, stress and effort.

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Eric Bach, CSCS, PN Certified. Eric is an elite nutrition coach, trainer, and healthy lifestyle coach. As seen on: T-Nation, CNN, &

Here's a taste of what's inside the One Hour Body Guide…

  • How to structure time-efficient workouts for fluctuating and demanding schedules. Use these two simple strategies, and people will want to know your secret to staying in shape, without living in the gym. (pg. 14)

  • 9 crucial mistakes to avoid, if you want to lose weight (and keep it off).The mindset you need build muscle and start living a bigger life today.

  • The secret to eating bigger and more satisfying meals, while watching unwanted pounds and inches disappear from your body. Read this, if you want to know the truth about sustainable dieting. Minus the hunger. (pg. 22)

  • An effective approach to goal setting, without feeling overwhelmed, or hopeless. Simple, yet, most people completely overlook this step. (pg. 11)

  • How to properly tackle your workouts, when you have nagging injuries. People who do this the wrong way, find themselves out of commision for weeks, or even months. (pg. 34)

  • A life-changing lesson, I learned from a best selling author about time management. Now, my clients use this lesson, to live a healthy lifestyle, without sacrificing their family time, or their social life. (pg. 19)

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